
Showing posts from June, 2023

Ep. #1081: Kevin Kelly on Excellent Advice For Living Well

Listen on Apple Podcasts | Listen on Spotify | Listen on YouTube   What do “rest ethic,” goofing off, and Artificial Intelligence have in common?  This episode of the podcast is a bit different, but I think you’re going to enjoy it. In this interview, Kevin Kelly unwraps the art of living excellently in a world steered by technology.  Our discussion explores the intersections of AI, creativity, work, productivity, and even how rest plays a vital role in our lives. In case you’re not familiar with him, Kevin is the co-founder of Wired Magazine, influential writer, renowned futurist, and author of the new book Excellent Advice For Living .  I wanted to get him on the podcast because this book is absolutely chock-full of practical, easily-digestible nuggets of advice for living a more fulfilling life. And as a man who has spent decades envisioning the future, he has a unique perspective compared to other guests I’ve had on the show. This conversation covers a variety of topics

Your Top 10 Questions About Creatine Side Effects Answered by Science

There are many myths and misconceptions about creatine’s side effects. Some are serious (“Creatine causes kidney stones”), while others are more innocuous (“Creatine keeps you awake”). Such misinformation deters many from taking creatine and leveraging its various benefits.  In this article, you’ll learn science-based answers to the top 10 questions I get about creatine’s side effects. 1. Will Creatine Make You Fat ? No. As I explain in my fitness books for men and women, Bigger Leaner Stronger or Thinner Leaner Stronger , eating more calories than you burn is the only way to gain fat.  That said, your weight may increase while supplementing with creatine for two reasons: initially, it can cause you to retain more water, and in the long run, it can promote muscle growth. 2. Will Creatine Make You Bigger ? Yes. Research shows that creatine increases the amount of water held in muscle cells, making your muscle appear bigger. It also positively affects nitrogen bal

My Top 10 Takeaways from Die With Zero by Bill Perkins

Regardless of how much money they have, many successful and financially responsible people spend a lot of their time figuring out how to accumulate more money with the ultimate goal of accumulating as much as they possibly can over the course of their lifetime. Most traditional financial advice sings from the same hymn sheet—if you can spend a few decades maximizing your income, living well beneath your means, saving aggressively and investing cautiously, eventually, sometime in your “golden years,” you can retire as a multimillionaire (likely with only a vague idea of what to do with all of your free time) and ultimately, hopefully later rather than sooner, you can die rich. In Die With Zero , Bill Perkins challenges this paradigm in a number of provocative ways, offering compelling counterpoints to traditional doctrines about wealth, which, he argues, should be viewed merely as a means to an end (a life well lived) rather than an end unto itself.  And although everyone can probab

An Evidence-Based Guide to 7 Popular Weight Loss Pills and Injections

The medical field is brimming with weight loss medications With so many products aimed at helping you lose weight, it’s challenging to identify fast weight loss pills that actually work . In this evidence-based guide, you’ll learn about guaranteed weight loss pills and injections, how each works, their effectiveness and side effects, and more. What Are Weight Loss Medications ? Weight loss medications are drugs that help you lose weight . The most common types of weight loss medications are weight loss pills and weight loss injections . Weight loss medications work in various ways: some help you feel fuller sooner, others curb your appetite or food cravings, and still others make it harder for your body to absorb fat from the food you eat.  They’re designed to help people who are overweight or obese manage their weight. Therefore, doctors usually only prescribe them if you’re an adult with . . . a BMI of 30 or greater a BMI of 27 or greater, and you have weight

How Deep Should You Squat? An Expert Guide to Squat Depth

There’s a lot of confusion among weightlifters about how deep to squat . Some argue deep squats are harmful to your knees and unnecessary from a muscle and strength gain standpoint. Others have the opposite stance, insisting deeper squats are perfectly healthy for your joints and essential to maximize muscle growth, strength gain, and athletic performance.  In this article, you’ll discover who’s right. You’ll learn what “ squat depth “ is, what deep squats look like, the benefits of deep squats , proper deep squat form , how deep to squat for your goals and body type, and more. What Is “ Squat Depth ?” “ Squat depth ” refers to how low you go during a squat. It’s measured by the angle your knees make at the bottom of the movement.  A “parallel” squat is a squat that involves lowering your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor, which occurs when the crease of your hip is the same height as the top of your knees. A “deep” or “full” squat typically involves

The Best Minimalist Shoes for Training Running Hiking and More (2023)

Minimalist shoes are on the rise. Before you buy a pair, though, it helps to do your homework. Not all minimalist shoes are created equal—each type has distinct features designed to suit specific activities. That’s why we’ve created this guide—to help you find the best minimalist shoes for your unique goals and preferences. (Affiliate Disclosure: All products we review reflect the research and opinion of our editors. We sometimes receive the products we review for free, and when you make a purchase using the links in this article, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you.)  The Best Minimalist Shoes Best Minimalist Shoes Overall: Xero Speed Force   Best Minimalist Training Shoes : Xero 360 Best Minimalist Hiking Shoes : Vivobarefoot Magna Forest ESC Best Minimalist Running Shoes : Xero HFS Best Minimalist Shoes for Men : Bearfoot Bruin Best Minimalist Shoes for Women : Groundies Universe Best Minimalist Shoes for Everyday : Vivobarefoot G