
Showing posts from September, 2024

Is Muscle Memory Real? The Answer According to Science

Many people fear that a few days without exercise is a step toward getting smaller, fatter, and weaker. This mindset is particularly common among beginner weightlifters, who are often afraid to lose what little “aesthetics” they have. Here’s the reality, though: you’ll have to endure periods where you can’t train, whether due to injury, family commitments, a frantic work schedule, or some other shenanigan.  And when this happens, you’ll probably notice your body doesn’t change as dramatically as you thought it might (or at all). This is largely thanks to a phenomenon known as muscle memory , which helps you regain lost muscle and strength much faster than gaining it from scratch. In other words, even if you have to take time away from lifting weights, once you get back to training, you’ll quickly regain any size and strength you lost. How does muscle memory work , though? Does it last forever? And how does it benefit people looking to build muscle? Get evidence-based answers t

How Michael Lost 24 Pounds & Dropped 10% Body Fat in 6 Months

In 6 months of Legion body transformation coaching , Michael lost 24 pounds, 10% body fat , and gained significant muscle and strength . Michael joined the program because he wanted to lose weight, boost athletic performance, build muscle, improve flexibility , and get as healthy as possible.  Here are his results: Michael’s Journey When Michael signed up for coaching , had been following the Bigger Leaner Stronger workout routine for two weeks. He thought that seeking professional guidance would help him get even more from the program . With his coach’s help, Michael stayed consistent with his nutrition and nailed every workout. After losing 24 pounds, he transitioned to a lean gaining phase to build muscle. His coach, Alyssa, said, “Michael has the best attitude and puts 100% of his trust into me. The faith he had in me, as his coach, really put him ahead. He’s achieved amazing results!” Halfway through his bulking phase, Michael had his annual physical. The nur

Your Next Chest Routine for Mass: 7 Must-Do Pec Exercises

Many gymgoers think that the only exercise you need for a massive chest workout is the bench press. While it’s true that the bench press is one of the very best chest exercise s for gaining size and strength, it’s not enough on its own to develop truly impressive pecs. A true chest routine for mass must include exercises that allow you to train your pecs with heavy weights, through long ranges of motion, and at varying angles. What’s more, these exercises must allow you to lift progressively heavier weights over time, since this is essential for muscle growth.  From my experience training thousands of people, the exercises that work best as the basis of a chest day workout routine are: Barbell bench press Incline barbell bench press Dumbbell bench press Incline dumbbell bench press Close-grip bench press Dip High-to-low cable fly In this article, you’ll learn why these exercises should be the foundation of every good mass-building chest workout program , discover h

Ep. #1166: Q&A: New Book Release, Clean Bulking, Sleep Hacks, Supersets & More

Listen on Apple Podcasts | Listen on Spotify | Listen on YouTube In this episode, I discuss how to improve barbell row strength, strategies for supersetting, my new book release, and lots more. As always, these questions come directly from my Instagram followers, who take advantage of my weekly Q&As in my stories. If you have a question you’re dying to have answered, make sure you follow me on Instagram (@muscleforlifefitness) and look out for the Q&A posts. Your question might just make it into a podcast episode! If you like this type of episode, let me know. Send me an email ( ) or direct message me on Instagram. And if you don’t like it, let me know that too or how you think it could be better. **** Timestamps: (4:12) When is the next book coming out? (06:30) Tips for improving barbell row strength? (07:35) Is lifting 5 times per week better than 4 for results? (08:34) Is the deadlift primarily a back or leg exercise? (10:21) Should card

Do Men Lose Weight Faster Than Women?

Do men lose weight faster than women when they diet?  Yes, according to research published in 2018 in Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism . In this study , 2,000 overweight adults with prediabetes (slightly elevated blood-sugar levels that increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes) ate 800 calories per day for eight weeks, and on average, the men lost about 26 pounds compared to about 22 pounds in the women.  And does that mean that men seem to have an innate metabolic advantage over women that makes it easier to get and stay fit? Also yes, but probably not for the reason you think. The real reason men outpaced women in this study and appear to generally have the best of it with fat loss isn’t genetics , hormones , or the patriarchy.  It’s simply body composition . Specifically, men tend to weigh more and have more muscle than women, and the heavier and more muscular someone is, the more calories they burn every day.  And the more calories someone burns every d

The Ultimate Guide to Compound Exercises for Mass & Strength

To gain muscle and strength as quickly as possible, it’s not enough to just do any type of exercises—you have to do the right exercises. And in most cases, that means doing compound exercise s . A compound exercise is any exercise that trains multiple muscles simultaneously. They’re beneficial because they allow you to lift heavy weights safely, which is vital for gaining muscle and strength.  Compound lifts also make your workouts more time-efficient and may even promote a more “anabolic environment” in your body, further boosting muscle gains. That said, compound exercise s aren’t always best. Exercises that train individual muscles—”isolation exercises”—also have a place in any well-designed training routine.  In this article, you’ll learn exactly what a compound exercise is, why they should be the foundation of your training program, the best compound exercises for mass and strength, and more.  Table of Contents + What Are Compound Exercises? The Benefits of Co