How to Strengthen Willpower With the Right Mindset
Many people think willpower works like a battery: It starts each day fully charged and drains as life throws challenges your way. The more fatigued you get, the harder it becomes to stay disciplined. Psychologists call this ego depletion , and it’s a common excuse for skipping workouts, cheating on a diet, or avoiding tough tasks after a demanding day. But does hard work really erode discipline, or is it more a matter of mindset? Scientists at Stanford University put this question to the test. First, they asked 66 people to rate statements like: “After a mentally strenuous activity, you must rest to recharge your energy.” “Your mental stamina fuels itself; even after tough tasks, you can keep going.” The researchers labelled people who agreed more with the first as having a “limited” view of willpower, while those who sided with the second had a “non-limited” view. Next, everyone completed two 5-minute tasks. The first was simple—crossing out every “e” on a page of te...