How Long Will it Take to Hit a 225 Bench?
“How many years for a 225 bench ?” It’s a question most guys ask at some point in the training journey. Many assume it’s inevitable—stick with the gym for a few months and soon enough you’ll be “benching two plates.” In reality, that’s not how it usually goes. According to some of the most experienced coaches in the world, the fastest you can realistically hit 225 is about a year. But for many, it takes far longer—up to three years or more—depending on factors like size, sex, and training experience. And even then, there’s a catch: You have to train seriously. If you just go through the motions, you might never get there. For women, a 225 bench is even rarer. Outside of elite-level powerlifting, it’s virtually unheard of. So, how long will it really take to bench 225 for you? And what can you do to get there faster? Get evidence-based answers to these questions and more in this article. Key Takeaways Most men can hit a 225 bench in 1-to-3 years if they train serio...